Lab Members
Mackenzie Mathis, PhD
Tenure Track Assistant Professor, EPFL
Bertarelli Foundation Chair of Integrative Neuroscience
European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) Scholar
e: mackenzie.mathis@epfl.ch | Google Scholar Profile | More Info
Exec. Admin: Mioara Bytyçi | e: mioara.bytyci@epfl.ch
Lab Alumni Page
Main Collaborators:
Alexander Mathis, PhD (EPFL) mathisgroup.org
Andreas Tolias (Stanford), Xaq Pitkow (CMU) & Cris Niell (U. of Oregon)
Matthias Bethge, PhD (U. of Tuebingen) bethgelab.org
Michael Black (MPI Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen)
Bernard Schneider (EPFL)
Silvia Arber (FMI)