11/7/24 Latsis Prize 2024: Neuroscientist Mackenzie Mathis tracks behaviour to understand the brain Next Towards understanding adaptive intelligence You Might Also Like Predict what a mouse sees by decoding brain signals From LSD to AI with Switzerland's Brain Explorers | Hello World with Ashlee Vance Unifying behavioral analysis through animal foundation models Towards understanding adaptive intelligence Tracking behaviour to understand the brain: Mackenzie Mathis
11/7/24 Latsis Prize 2024: Neuroscientist Mackenzie Mathis tracks behaviour to understand the brain Next Towards understanding adaptive intelligence You Might Also Like Predict what a mouse sees by decoding brain signals From LSD to AI with Switzerland's Brain Explorers | Hello World with Ashlee Vance Unifying behavioral analysis through animal foundation models Towards understanding adaptive intelligence Tracking behaviour to understand the brain: Mackenzie Mathis