Code Release: 2.1.9

The latest stable release of DeepLabCut is up on pypi! 2.1.9

Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 2.32.37 PM.png

You can simply run pip install —upgrade deeplabcut in your environment, or you can always create a new env if you like (some tips here to create a new one with a new name; I often do this for testing!)

What’s New?

A lot! “153 changed files with 42,334 additions and 9,241 deletions” to be precise, coming from 20 contributors! <3

Because it’s an extensive update, rather than detail every change, here is the log of changes for those interested:

Update Highlights:

  • New issue templates, new docs on multi-animal deeplabcut (including new advanced user guide), #977, many others: check out the docs!

  • Adding format and resolution arguments to plot_trajectories (#967) - easily customize your plots within DLC now.

  • A new Skeleton Builder GUI to draw the connections vs. type them out in the config.yaml file: faster, simpler, and more intuitive! Useful for: video creation, skeleton analysis, multi-animal projects. (#717)

  • A new delete button in the labeling GUIs; frames look too similar? Simply delete it! (#870)

  • When labeling do you have some points you want to copy forward? Now you can! (#859)

Additionally, all the beta functions of multi-animal DeepLabCut are included in this release; we have more functions planned for the formal 2.2 release, but excitingly, we felt beta was stable enough to release in its current form (thanks to the beta users and testers!). Watch out for 2.2 though… ;) some “smart” features for a simpler workflow & improved performance are coming your way… therefore, the full release and documentation in this form will come with 2.2 in December 2020.

With warm wishes from Geneva,

Mackenzie for #teamDLC


Onwards to 2021 ... some major updates!


Tracking Pigeons with Neslihan Wittek