Welcome to the new DeepLabCut Blog!


Welcome! We are planning on using this blog for three purposes:

(1) As a source for you to subscribe to get the latest code release updates!

(2) A place to highlight DLC users (stay tuned!)

(3) A place to mention any up-and-coming updates that might affect the user community, so we can get your feedback!

To kick things off, here are a few updates and resources we’d like to highlight.

[A] DLC User Education: Due to covid19 we needed to re-visit our hopes of having in-person workshops and hack-a-thons in fall 2020. So, we created a virtual learning space! You can complete the course at your own pace, jump around, etc! Specifically, we worked on two main pieces.

(1) A new git-controlled course website: http://DLCcourse.deeplabcut.org


(2) We wrote a Primer for those wanting a more educational and deep dive into using deep learning tools for motion capture (aka pose estimation). We just had this published at Neuron (congrats to my collaborator Alexander, & lab members Steffen, and Jessy!) It’s also available on arxiv ;). The code to re-create key data figures is open source here: https://github.com/DeepLabCut/Primer-MotionCapture


[B] Video Tutorials: We would also like to highlight that over the past year we have been adding to the video tutorial library, so please subscribe to our DeepLabCut YouTube channel to stay up to date! Here is one video on the newly launched DeepLabCut Model Zoo! >>>

[C] Help Us! To compliment the zoo, we are also asking for your help to build bigger datasets. This really deserves it’s own post (but shout out to the amazing team, Maxime, Tian, Alexander, Steffen et al. in the meantime). But, I will just say, if you want to help we’d love that. No need to install anything, just click away here: http://contrib.deeplabcut.org

Thanks everyone and happy #deeplabcutcutting,



Tracking Pigeons with Neslihan Wittek